Wearing Clothing with Faux & Imitation Pearls
Pearls are created by living creatures called mollusks. When a mollusk produces a shell it will also produce a pearl. Wearing real pearls on clothing can be very costly. So when you see pearls on clothing it is usually faux pearl or imitation pearls. Faux pearls and imitation pearls are man-made to look like the real thing.
Back in the day pearls were associated with something older wealthy women wore around their neck (necklaces). Nowadays women of all ages wear pearls. Since last season or maybe the season before it was a trend to see faux pearl and imitation pearls on every kind of clothing. Faux pearl and imitation pearl is still trending today.
You can find faux and imitation pearl on button-ups, jeans and every other type of denim you can find some kind of faux or imitation pearl on the denim. You can find faux and imitation pearl cardigans, sweaters, skirts and dresses. Faux and imitation pearl can be found on everything not just clothing. You can also find hats, gloves, scarves, socks, headbands and so many other items embellished with faux and imitation pearls.
Faux pearl and imitation pearl on a dress, or skirt or cardigan is also great when worn during the holiday season. Wearing faux pearl and imitation pearl adds an accessory to your look without having to add any actual accessories like a necklace or rings or bracelets.
If you like the idea of faux pearls or imitation pearls then this post is for you. Below are some looks with faux pearls and imitation pearls. To learn more about each look click on the pictures below which will take you to the retailer that sells the look.