The Paper bag Waist Look
A Paper bag style on a garment means that the pants or skirt will have extra fabric at the waist. You will notice that when you see paper bag style pants, trousers or skirts the waist section looks bunched up like there is too much fabric. Well that is the look of the paper bag style. The waist will usually also come with a belt to help make the outfit look neater and more pulled together.
I have been wearing paper bag trousers lately because the weather has been so up and down in NYC one day it's chilly and cold and the next it's a heat wave. So you never really know how to dress or what to wear. So for me it's either a long sleeve dress, jeans or paper bag trousers. The paper bag trouser has been my go to lately when I am not wearing jeans or a dress because it comes with a belt and when the belt is tied into a big or medium sized or even small bow (depending on the size of the belt) it can make a plain outfit look not so plain.
So now that the weather is warm here and there I thought I'd put together some paper bag waist style looks. When shopping for paper bag waist style looks you can find trousers and pants and even skirts that are made of light fabric for when the weather is warm outside. If you want to wear the paper bag waist style look during the winter months you can find pieces that are lined or made with heavy material like wool and polyester.
If you are looking for some paper bag waist style looks to try out this spring and summer and possibly during the beginning of fall then this post is for you. Below are some looks to get you started. To learn more about each look below click on the pictures which will take you to the retailer that sells the look.