Looks That Have Contrasting Stitching
A contrast stitch is when a piece of fabric is a different fabric than the main fabric. A lot of times when you see contrast stitches on a piece of clothing it is usually done in the lining of clothing. A contrast stitch is helpful in making sure that parts of garment stay in place. It is used to secure and make sure binding is held in place when sewing a garment. But it can also be used as an embellishment.
An example of a contrast stitch is the top-stitch. A top-stitch is stitching that appears on the right side of a garment. A top-stitch is usually sewn along the seams, neckline or the edge of a garment. A top-stitch is very visible. If you wear denim you'll notice that top-stitching is quite often used.
Whenever I see a contrast stitch inside a garment or on the outside it always seems to be in white or gold. It is now also used a lot as a decorative element that you'll see being added to blouses, dresses, jackets, coats and even shoes. It makes a basic look stand out. Contrasting stitches is also a great way to embellish a look without actually wearing accessories.
If you're into contrasting stitching below are some looks with contrasting stitch and topstitch. You don't have to necessarily go out and purchase items with contrasting stitch you can look at your wardrobe because chances are you own at least one pair of jeans and other denim garments. Jeans commonly always have a topstitch that is very easy to see. But if you don't own any jeans or anything denim you can check out the looks below. To learn more about each look you can click on each picture below which will take you to the store that sells the item and there you can see how it is styled and decide if this is a look you'd want to try out.

David Koma Contrast Stitching Bustier $497; David Koma Contrast Stitching Waistband Cutout Trousers $1,294