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Safi Bello

Berkshire Hathaway Wants Cops Unleashed on Bitcoin --------- Daily Journal’s annual shareholder meeting usually involves Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chairman, Charlie Munger, giving his overview of things economic. This Valentine’s Day, the 94-year-old right-hand man of Warren Buffett took the opportunity to savage the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin. If it’s not a religious affair, it sure has that feel. The grand cardinal of retail finance, Charlie Munger, was plopped into a chair, and assembled hordes gathered to hear investment wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha’s saintly priest. To say Mr. Munger is a successful investor is to place too general praise on the man: arguably he is among the most bankable gurus of all time. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

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