GlaxoSmithKline partners with Alibaba for China HPV vaccine market grab
Fierce Pharma ------- GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix is losing to Merck’s Gardasil in the U.S. and Europe, but it hopes to win some scores from China. To do that, it has formed an alliance with China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba. The new collaboration, built on Alibaba’s Ali Health platform available on the Taobao mobile app, enables users to access online HPV and cervical cancer education information or consultation services from either professional healthcare providers or smart bots. It also allows users to make Cervarix vaccination appointment at community healthcare centers. The platform is expected to cover 1,500 such centers in more than 100 largely populated cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou by year-end, GSK said in a release. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.