California wholesale electricity prices are higher at the beginning and end of the day
U.S. Energy Information Administration -------- Comparisons of January through June day-ahead hourly electricity prices over the past three years in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) energy market suggest a growing premium in certain morning and evening hours relative to midday hours. The higher hourly prices in the morning and evening hours reflect a premium for a particular characteristic that not all generators can deliver: the ability to increase output on command. In the electric system, demand must always be met with sufficient generation to maintain grid reliability and to avoid blackouts. Historically, electricity generation was adjusted as customers turned appliances and equipment on and off around the same time each day. The morning and evening hours, when load is either ramping up or ramping down, are often the most challenging hours for grid operators, as they must ensure that the electricity supply changes to match the relatively rapid changes in demand. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.