Merck moves up sales rankings in vaccine industry projection
Safi Bello
Fierce Pharma ------- Last year, life science commercial intelligence firm Evaluate released a vaccine market projection stating that GlaxoSmithKline would top the industry by 2022, with Sanofi, Pfizer and Merck trailing in order. While GSK is still expected to top the industry that year, projections in the firm’s latest World Preview now see a different mix order the other major players. Analysts now expect Merck to land in second place with $7.54 billion in 2022 vaccine sales, followed by Pfizer at $7.13 billion and Sanofi at $6.82 billion. Glaxo is expected to top the industry, with a projected 2022 sales haul of $8.65 billion. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.