Price-hike king Valeant could be hit hardest by FDA generics push: analyst
Fierce Pharma ------ The FDA issued a hit list Tuesday of off-patent meds with no competition, hoping to spur generic challengers. While the move could take a toll on a number of drugmakers—including Pfizer and J&J—it may hit Valeant particularly hard.A host of the Canadian drugmaker's products appeared on the 10-page list, Wells Fargo analyst David Maris pointed out in a Tuesday afternoon note to clients—some of them substantial contributors to Valeant's top line. Together, the 19 products flagged by the FDA generated more than $713 million in revenue last year. Considering Valeant’s sales struggles and debt woes, that’s a significant threat. “Our review shows no company in our coverage universe is more exposed to this new FDA effort than Valeant,” Maris wrote. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.