GlaxoSmithKline wins $235M from Teva in carve-out patent fight over heart drug
Fierce Pharma ------- GlaxoSmithKline’s heart drug Coreg has been around a good long while, but it still pumps out more revenue for the U.K. drug company to keep fighting patent battles for the drug. Teva now finds itself on the losing end of one of those fights in another carve-out patent battle. A federal jury in Delaware has awarded GSK $235 million in a suit in which it found that Teva had infringed GSK’s drug by marketing its generic as a treatment for chronic heart failure, as well as high blood pressure, Reuters reports. The award included $234.1 million in lost profits and said GSK deserved an additional $1.4 million in royalties. Teva told the news service that it's considering whether to appeal but still has pending an “equitable defenses” filing that could reduce the award. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.