Energy Sector Turns to Ethereum to Test Blockchain
Coindesk ------- "There's really a lack of specificity and understanding of what the use cases are." Jesse Morris, a principal at the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), is a little critical of the discussions around blockchain technology trials in the energy sector. While plenty of companies have discussed the technology, outside of a handful of pilots, the use cases and their benefits have been vague, he argued. To tackle that challenge, the RMI, a Colorado-based non-profit advocacy group for green energy, has established the Energy Web Foundation (EWF) in partnership with Grid Singularity, a Vienna-based blockchain startup. The foundation aims to foster blockchain projects in the energy sector for commercial deployment. In early May, the foundation announced that a number of global energy companies had joined the initiative, including Centrica, Elia, Engie, Shell, Sempra Energy, SP Group, Statoil, Stedin, TWL and Tepco – firms that have pumped $2.5m into the EWF so far. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.