Sanofi executive lays out case for taxpayer funding—and exclusive licensing—on Zika vaccine R&D
Fierce Pharma ------ Sanofi has been publicly chastised by lawmakers and public health groups for its proposed Zika vaccine deal with the U.S. Army. Now, an executive is explaining the rationale behind the company’s development plan and defending against claims his company is out to make a quick buck. Sanofi VP and head of U.S. government relations Adam Gluck says Sanofi has plowed its own resources into the effort and set aside other projects to put its Zika work on a fast track. The company struck the Army partnership “in the face of opportunity costs associated with delaying other R&D programs in order to advance this vaccine at an unprecedented pace,” Gluck said in a May 22 letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. A leading vaccine developer globally, the French pharma has committed more than 60 full-time scientists to the effort, as well as its manufacturing know-how and “robust” clinical trials network for flaviviruses, Gluck said. Sanofi partnered with the U.S. Army last summer on the program and has since won $43 million in government funding to support the work. Another $130 million could be awarded to fund later research. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.