No scandal here, say rare disease drugmakers, as pricing scrutiny lands on their doorstep
Fierce Pharma ------- Rare disease drugmakers get that their typically high prices are under the lens these days—just like everyone else’s. But they don’t all necessarily agree that the scrutiny is fair. Shire CEO Flemming Ornskov, for one, recently told a group at the Convergence Forum that although he understands why the field has landed in the pricing spotlight, he doesn’t think it belongs there. As scandal after scandal (after scandal)—and a healthy dose of backlash from politicians—have turned the country’s attention toward drug costs, list prices that would have flown just a couple years back have become unacceptable in the public eye. Rare-disease drugmakers’ go-to pricing justifications—that their meds are innovative and used by few patients, meaning they're not too big a hit on payers—are no longer getting it done. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.