Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks at DEA360 Heroin and Opioid Response Summit
Department of Justice press release ----- Good morning, everyone. I want to thank my friend and former colleague, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, for the introduction, and for welcoming me to West Virginia. I’m grateful to our U.S. Attorneys here, Carol Casto and Betsy Jividen, for their hospitality and their leadership. I also want to thank DEA Assistant Administrator Lou Milione and Special Agent in Charge Karl Colder for being here today. Finally, my thanks to all the law enforcement leaders, healthcare providers, educators and concerned citizens who are here for this important summit. We’re here to discuss a deadly serious topic, the unprecedented wave of opioid and prescription drug abuse in America. This crisis is hurting our whole country. It has hit this state especially hard, with West Virginia having the highest rate of overdose deaths in the country. To learn more click on the picture below to read the release.