Attorney General Schneiderman Leads Coalition Of States And Localities Opposing Trump Administration
A.G. Schneiderman's office press release April 5, 2017 ------- New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and a coalition of states and localities from across the country filed opposition to the Trump administration’s request to delay court proceedings regarding the Clean Power Plan in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In November 2015, a coalition of states and localities led by Attorney General Schneiderman intervened in defense of the Clean Power Plan, against legal challenges to the plan. The coalition argued that the plan is firmly founded in both science and the law, and built upon strategies New York and other states have used to successfully cut power plant emissions. The court heard oral argument en banc for a full day in late September 2016 and a decision is expected at any time. To get more in depth information click on the picture below to read the release.