EIA's Electricity Monthly Update With Data For December 2016
U.S. Energy Information Administration ----- On February 24, 2017 the EIA released its Electricity Monthly Report. Some of the 2016 highlights from the report were: The price of natural gas on a $/MWh basis at both Henry Hub and New York City were above the price of Central Appalachian coal during December 2016. Electricity generation from coal increased in all regions of the country compared to the previous year, mainly due to the large increase in natural gas prices, making coal more economical as a fuel used for electricity generation. Wholesale electricity prices hit 12-month highs of $121/MWh in New York City (NYISO) and $97/MWh in New England (ISONE), while wholesale natural gas prices reached their highest levels since early-2015 in New York City, New England, and the Mid-Atlantic. To learn more about the EIA's Electricity Monthly Update --- Data for December 2016 click on the picture below to read more.