Bayer's hefty 2016 pharma growth underlines danger of neglecting R&D for Monsanto buy
Safi Bello
FiercePharma ---- Bayer’s pharma products have been growing lickety-split, and its 2016 numbers show just how—and how much. Prescription drug sales expanded by 8.7% last year, to €16.4 billion, the company said in its annual earnings release, and once again, its usual suspects are behind the surge. The boost from Bayer’s top-performing meds, plus increases in consumer health (3.5%) and animal health (4.8%) sales, pushed the German company’s total healthcare-related revenue above €22 billion. To learn more about Bayer's hefty 2016 pharma growth underlines danger of neglecting R&D for Monsanto buy click on the picture below to read more.