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Regenstrief Scientist Extols Open Source Tool For Consolidating Patient Data From Multiple Medical R

Safi Bello

Healthcare IT News ---- Brian Dixon highlights the promise of DeDupIT for consolidating clinical document architecture (CDAs) by removing duplicate records then producing a single document. Consolidating multiple CDA records on one patient could help to boost outcome results, yet pulling the information together from different sources can be a big challenge because of the often inconsistent, conflicting or duplicated information, said Brian Dixon, a research scientist at the Regenstrief Institute. Dixon, who has spent years researching ways to apply informatics to improve population health, hailed a way to consolidate CDAs for easy analysis, without disrupting workflow, helping to get critical data into the hands of physicians, where it's needed most for improving population health. The open source software tool, available via github, is called DeDupIT, and it was created by an informatics doctoral student at Indiana University. "Given a set of input CDAs, the software uses the structure of the HL7 document to parse through each section. Duplicate entries based on the section, date, and coded value are reduced by the software using a series of logical rules that can be configured by the HIE or health system that might choose to use the software," Dixon explained. "Once duplicates have been removed, the software combines all of the unique entries across the multiple documents into a single CDA document that becomes the output of the software." To get more in depth information on Regenstrief scientist extols open source tool for consolidating patient data from multiple medical records click on the picture below to read the article.

Regenstrief scientist extols open source tool for consolidating patient data from multiple medical records - Read More from Healthcare IT News

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