A Look At The Rise In Oil And Energy Prices
According to the U.S.Energy Information Administration -- The spot energy index in the S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) rose 48% since the start of 2016, more than any other commodity group in the S&P GSCI. The spot S&P GSCI industrial metals, precious metals, and agriculture indices increased less, rising 22%, 8%, and 5%, respectively, while the spot S&P GSCI livestock index declined 10%. Among individual commodities, zinc, natural gas, crude oil, and diesel saw larger percentage increased than all other commodities in the S&P GSCI. Commodity price movements were influenced by global economic growth as well as by commodity-specific supply-side factors in 2016. To get more information on the rise in oil and energy prices click on the pictures below to read the articles.