How To Guide For: Understanding The History Of Black Friday & Why It Has Become So Popular And S
The term "Black Friday" originated in the 1960s to mark the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,” back when accounting records were kept by hand, and red ink indicated a loss, and black a profit. Ever since the start of the modern Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924, the Friday after Thanksgiving has been known as the unofficial start to a bustling holiday shopping season. In the 1960's, police in Philadelphia griped about the congested streets, clogged with motorists and pedestrians, calling it “Black Friday.” In a non-retail sense, it also describes a financial crisis of 1869: a stock market catastrophe set off by gold spectators who tried and failed to corner the gold market, causing the market to collapse and stocks to plummet. Black Friday has become so popular because retailers realized that they could draw big crowds with discounted prices. Some retailers like to start early and put items on sale the morning of Thanksgiving. Black Friday is always the day after Thanksgiving. This year in 2016 Black Friday will be on Friday November 25, 2016 . However, more and more people start their Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving day immediately before dinner or after dinner. Black Friday is one of the major shopping days of the year in the United States. Living in NYC I can tell you that Black Friday is a very long and hectic day especially passing places like Best Buy , P.C. Richards and other electronic stores watching people camp out a few days and sometimes a week in advance so that they can stock up on flat-screen TV's, laptops, cellphones and a whole host of other electronic items. Now more and more people do their Black Friday shopping online to beat the lines and having to wait outside for hours in the cold. Thanksgiving day used to be a time when families got together and had big feasts and just had family time now Thanksgiving day is a time to get ready and make a list of all the Black Friday sale items to purchase. Then everyone starts planning for Cyber Monday. But the good thing about Black Friday is that the items that you've probably been waiting for all year and couldn't get because it was so expensive, will probably be deeply discounted on Black Friday. So consumers save lots of money on Black Friday. To learn more about the history of Black Friday, why it has become so popular and some Black Friday deals -- click the pictures below to read the articles and to check out the deals.