How To Guide For: Wearing Suede Pieces
Suede is a kind of leather with a smooth, velvet-like surface. Suede is created from either the inner split or the flesh split of a piece of leather. I purchased a brown suede biker jacket (now sold out) from Topshop while at Create & Cultivate LA and I can't stop wearing it. People tell me it looks really good on me. Where did you get it from. This suede biker jacket is the only piece of suede clothing I own because wearing suede can be tricky because any little thing can stain it and sometimes the stains can be difficult to get out even after dry cleaning. But suede is still very popular and in demand and its nice to have at least one suede piece. So I wanted to show you some suede pieces that I came across. To learn more about the suede piece -- click on the pictures below.