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How To Guide For: Getting Over Any Crush

Safi Bello

We've all had a crush on someone at one point or another. Whether it be a actor, actress any celebrity crush, a crush on an athlete, a crush on your neighbor, the guy that you see everyday at the gym or while running, the cute guy you met at the charity event or while volunteering, or at a party. A crush is defined as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate. I've seen some of my friends go through this. I am finally, as of a few days ago proud to say I am over my crush who is an athlete. I am getting back on track to achieving my real goals. Having a crush on someone who is unattainable can get very distracting and throw you off your game and you lose focus of what you were working so hard on accomplishing. It's easy to have a crush on someone, so now what do you do if you find yourself in this situation. How do you get over your crush. Well for starters you should sit down and make a list of all the qualities that this celebrity or any crush has that draws you to them. What you'll realize when you're making your list or after is that you like the celebrity or other crush because they have qualities that are not present in your life and you may wish those qualities were. I'm here to tell you that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. When you start feeling like this you need to remember that celebrities have to show the world a persona of themselves without showing their true self. This can also be the same for an everyday crush that you don't know and you're judging based on what you see. You might think in your mind they are perfect, but in reality they are not. No one is. Another thing you can do to get over a celebrity crush or any crush is distance yourself from the crush. Don't follow them on social media, resist the urge to look them up on social media, no watching YouTube videos they did or any video, no daydreaming about them and it's important that you talk about the crush with a friend or family member, or someone you trust so you can get it all out. This will help you slowly move on. When talking about your crush, you don't want to make this the focus of every discussion, every time you talk to your friend or family. You can get over a crush by immersing yourself in other things that make you happy and that make you feel good. Surrounding yourself with family and good friends will make getting over your crush that much easier. Distracting yourself with other activities will help you forget the crush. So ladies if you're crushing over a celebrity or an everyday person that you see regularly, I'm here to tell you that you deserve better, you deserve someone who is attainable and that you can have in real life. You deserve someone who is actually interested so get out there if you're single and meet that special someone in real life and forget the celebrity crush or your everyday crush that you see on a daily basis. If you're single and not really looking to meet anyone still get out there and have a great time with some really good girlfriends. To get more information on how to get over a crush -- click the pictures below to read the articles.

Getting Over Your Crush - Read More from Seventeen Magazine
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting over a Crush - Read More from Teen Vogue
5 Essential Tips On How To Get Over A Crush - Read More from Life Hack

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