How To Guide For: A Look At The 2016 Summer Olympics In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil--Will You Be Attendin
This year the Summer Olympics will commence on Friday August 5th and end on Sunday August 21 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With Brazil being the epicenter of the Zika virus due to the harmful strain and Rio having the most Zika cases of any state in the country and the high spike in violence and crime in Brazil overall is it worth it going to the summer Olympics this year. The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio has been years in the making and with all the money that has been put into it there is no cancelling the games.
So if plan on attending the Olympics in Rio in August and live in the U.S. and want to purchase tickets you can go to the CoSport website. Tickets are going fast. Once you purchase your tickets you'll need to secure a flight. You can try sites like Priceline ; Booking Buddy ; Trip Advisor ; Expedia ; Travelocity or Kayak. Depending on which country you are travelling from you could need a travel visa -the visa is being waived for some countries -to see which countries you can check out -Visa Information to Brazil. To learn more about the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio -click on the pictures below to read the articles.